Our Future in the Past
Octem 10-19-20000+8254 CE-OES
Albania, CUSA
ADS 8804; Σ 728 [13:09;+17d31′]
Via NeuroTransmission KINET: Achka to Bén-Gris-Wel,
While researching the history of Planet Gris-Wel I stumbled on this bit of arcane history. Thought you’d like to add this fourteen-thousand-year-old crystallite to your antiquities collection. Although cracked, you’ll get enough data to see what it was like then. You don’t suppose the presenter is a direct ancestor, do you? I’ll see you in Novem.
OCTOBER 21, 6000, CE
Presented by: Xr 0720ACHKA
[The full text of this speech may be found in CH-482-L, along with entire report and all dataGLOBS.]
Ladies and gentlemen of the K-23 Galaxy, Association members, and representatives from Planetary Sciences. Thank you for inviting me to speak before you today. On my way to this Galaxy, two weeks ago your time, 27 ½ years ago OES my time, I remembered a joke to tell you. But I promptly forgot it. Allow me, then, to proceed to the findings of our study.
By way of background, our research began with the K-23 initiative to colonize Planet Gris-Wel. Briefly, the Institute wished us to recommend the humanoid reproduction policies best suited for the new colony. To that end, I and my colleagues Xrs 9934Fifuk and 2084Rydj have assessed the differences in social organization on four planets in the C-5 quadrant: Ussa, Pühm, Hwoq and Sn-Yd. [Deleted from excerpt: Planet selection criteria, hypotheses, methodology, sampling techniques, etc. Also deleted were control mechanisms addressing extraneous factors related to atmospheric necessity, radiation, hydrogen levels, etc. See technical notes.]
On all four planets, we selected the “alpha colony,” that is the humanoid colony exhibiting the most advanced social organization on each planet although other colonies and organizations exist. We did so because, as we know, all planet colonies will replicate the organizational structures of the dominant colony on the planet. [Deleted from excerpt: Definitions and criteria for “dominance,” advanced social organization including evolved sensory capacity, environment, technology, longevity, productivity, DNAety, etc.]
I refer you to the first chart, which notates the Equi-Valents for each planet. For the purposes of this discussion, I will use K-23, OES or Old-Earth Standards. [See Conversion Tables.]
We found that on all four planets, humanoid species reaching the average age of 10 years, OES, have attained the capacity for reproduction. By that age, humanoids understand how offspring are conceived and the actions taken to procreate. As a rule, humanoids on these planets have multiple partners, indiscriminate, varietal, and frequent sex. Furthermo…DATACOMPROMIZED**…
Remember that our study focused on reproduction policies, not sexuality. [See: Proto birth control through homosexuality, Chapter 4.] Also note, that in the C-5 quad, sexually transmitted diseases have been eradicated for decacenturs, so the reproduction policies among our sample do not exist in response to plagues and pestilence.
Our study found that gender-based reproduction policies affect not only the reproductive pace, but the quality of the resulting species as well. These impacts should be considered when deciding which reproduction policy to replicate on Planet Gris-Wel.
I will briefly summarize each planet, then focus on the key expressions of gender-based reproduction policies as reflected in the judicial and economic systems.[Deleted from excerpt: Summary of each planet’s location in the C-5 quad, solar systems, atmosphere, species, temperature, land/water mass, age, etc., for each planet in the study. See Planet Comparative Chart.]
Females in the Ussa alpha colony hold an inferior position within the society and bear the burden and responsibility for species reproduction, birth control and species socialization. Males indiscriminately procreate and then take little or no responsibility for the resulting issue. Ussan social, economic and political policies reinforce this gender bias. Although artificial means of conception exist, primitive methods prevail.
Pühm, originally colonized by female Ussan rebels, replicated but reversed the social structure—not only in reproduction rituals, but the entire planet’s social organization. Females control every aspect of reproduction, conception and species socialization. Early colonists reproduced via artificial means. While still prevalent, traditional methods are becoming more frequent. While males bear the social and economic responsibility for procreation and offspring, they have no authority to procreate unless licensed to do so.
On Hwoq, males and females share in all aspects of social organization; however, reproduction has become the prerogative only of the female within the context of male-based dominance and responsibility. The preferred mode of procreation follows species-evolved reproduction modes; however, artificial means also exist.
The alpha colony on Sn-Yd replaced early gender-based reproduction policies with species-sustainability collaboration. Artificial means including F2-clonic reproduction, breeding, nurseries, early stimulation and childrearing are available. Because pupae stages are held in high esteem, offspring are raised communally. Species are genetically and socially engineered to meet planetary needs and functions.
The study examined data dissemination, social strata, economic production, legal restrictions and finally species-quality control. Without presenting the full texts from our crystallites, the following presents only a few key comparisons drawn from the four planets.
Ussa’s alpha colony is a militaristic acquisition society. The central preoccupation of the male species is to accumulate power in all its material manifestations. Success and wealth are based on dominance and control of natural resources, sub-colonies, and the creation of value by altering molecular structure to create value where little inherent value exists, substitution–trading and amassing power credits, and, more recently, through datapulse acceleration.
Briefly, Ussan gender-based reproduction policies consist of the following:
Pre-procreation rituals are designed to keep females ignorant about their bodies and the reproduction processes. Elaborate rituals, using all information conveyances, present contradictory social expectations.
Females are used to titillate and tantalize male fantasy, which in turn stimulates an ET reaction in males.[Endorphin-Testosterone reactions. ET’s refer to the OES term, still widely used to delineate the entire class. The species included in this study have TrA-ψ-8 reproduction stimulators, of which actual ET’s are still traceable.]
Uniform social control is achieved by alpha-male adherence to the rigid material status and rank conventions geared toward possessing alpha females and alpha transporters—symbolic representations of…DATACOMPROMIZED**… power.
For gamma males, less successful males, the unattainable female fantasy serves to excuse anti-social behavior. Female eradication is prevalent.
All industries including reproductive industries are male-dominated. Therefore, chemical or mechanical contra-ceptors, or CCs, practiced on the female are designed to block eggs. Unlike our species, humanoid eggs are non-regenerative as opposed to male regenerative sperm. Ussa methods either mutilate female genitalia or produce mutants. Sperm-blocks are virtually non-existent. Alpha-colony males resist using the most accessible male-based CC–primitive sperm-collection sacs. Ussa expends considerable resources on efforts to enhance erectilia.
Females must abstain from procreation activities or accept the consequences. The Ussan consequences are dire including permanent stigmatization, life-long economic, social, political deprivation. In Ussa, we found a preponderance of pejoratively ascribed behaviors often ignoring the environmental degradations affecting the social structure. This pejorative ascription applied to females, affects their capacity to address procreation issues.
In the alpha colony, females are expected to join in cohabitation to a superior male prior to and as a condition of procreation—despite male resistance to formal or informal cohabitation, and regardless of random male procreation.
While some evidence exists that cohabitation restriction is declining among informal relationships, the formal legal, political and social structures continue and in some cases have become more restrictive. We found, for example, that the uncohabitative, sexually-active female had been relegated to one of two places in the Ussa alpha colony: an article of pleasure and prey to be consumed and traded by males at will; or a symbolic source of all perceived social ills.
Our study notes an exception, which does not yet bear statistical veracity: the tendency for females to adopt male dominant characteristics and impose affectations upon other females.[See detail findings, Chapter 4]
In Ussa’s alpha colony, the sexually active, uncohabitative female is outcast from the colony. Upon attaining procreation capacity, the female is systematically excluded from obtaining reproduction information, and pregnancy control devices, medications, etc., unless she reasserts her infantile role and subsumes herself as inferior to an adult, ritualistically and symbolically represented by doctors, lawyers, teachers, husbands, and parents, etc.
Once pregnant, the Ussan female has little or no survivability options. The system of labor/credit exchange excludes pregnant females as value draining. Subsequent to nativity, uncohabitative females face further economic penalties in the form of isolation from all support such as transportation, housing, childcare, education, etc. Females with or without children are expected to compete for male-controlled access to all social institutions as if they were men and having access to the same resources, which on Ussa, they do not. Unequal access to resources ensures minimal subsistence for uncohabitative females encumbered with children. The female is thus stigmatized, as are her male and female offspring.
Males have no legal, cultural or social requirement to participate in the support or rearing of their offspring. Males, as assured by the male-dominant social structure, experience few social ramifications from engaging in propagation. Thus, while family structures exist, they disintegrate and reformulate easily, quickly and fluidly. Offspring, like other material possessions, are moved about at the will of the male either through direct intervention or via abdication.
Some alpha males assured our researchers that Ussan reproduction policies are changing. They submitted data that indicate females are encouraged to return to the labor/credit system—even after a decade or more involved in childrearing. Xrs 9934Fifuk and 2084Rydj, however found that labor/credit ratios are based on gender and thus, females are substantially under credited for the same labor performed by male counterparts.
Xr 2084Rydj also found it significant that few males, alpha or otherwise, given the opportunity and choice to do so, would jeopardize their credit sources to raise children. A major deterrent, beyond the social stigmatization of males adopting inferior female roles, is the limitations of the Ussan elder-support fund originally intended to support aging warriors. Now the fund is available to all who work, however, those who raise offspring receive no credits for that labor. Therefore, few males willingly remove themselves from the labor/credit accounts.
In Ussa, the judicial system—an alpha-male control mechanism—is deemed more capable than any female (alpha to gamma) to determine a female’s reproduction alternatives. This will be discussed more fully in a moment.
Pühmian females occupy the dominant role in the social structure as pursued by the original colonists who rebelled from Ussa. Pühmian culture is also militaristic, acquisitive, etc. In Pühm, we found a near mirror reversal of the gender-based reproduction policies on Ussa. Pühmian females have access to all reproductive information and receive high data inputs. CC’s are available at no cost, as are pregnancy termination procedures. Pühm has created the following laws and customs:
All males by the age seven undergo mandatory, reversible sperm block. In the more primitive Pühmian colonies, vasectomy is still used. Males are enticed by elaborate maturation initiation rituals to become “V-men,” virtual men. “V-men” are not able to impregnate anyone during their “oats” days. Sperm blocks are not removed until certain conditions have been met.
All males aged 21 OES years and older desiring to have children may have their sperm blocks removed under the following conditions:
a) They must certify their status as adults, by taking several classes in adult responsibility and receiving a certificate attesting to their knowledge, skills, and acceptance of their responsibilities. You will note the reversal of the Ussan policy to require females to reassert their infantilism. Pühmian males must denigrate themselves before the female laws to attest they have attained the responsibility of adults–as defined by the female-dominant culture.
b) Male DNA and spermatozoa undergo rigorous analysis. Males are licensed then to either provide isogametes for future propagation or to propagate direct. Each license carries special restrictions and annual verifications, etc. The propagation-direct requires female sponsorship.
c) The Pühmians expect all procreating males to live on a reduced income as the penalty a male bears for siring children—a reversal of the policies practiced on the planet Ussa. Re-spermed males must participate in a special withholding income program so that 2/3 of every credit they earn while able to procreate, is placed into a children’s fund to support any, and all, offspring they sire. This fund ensures that no child will be left without economic sustenance.
At any time, a male who has regained his sperm may have his procreative capacity permanently inhibited without losing his reproductive organs. In this case if he has no issue, all his childfund is returned with appropriate credits and levies. If, however, he has procreated, even if that child has ceased to exist, he has permanently lost that portion of his income deposited into the childfund. This permanent economic penalty again replicates the life-long economic denigration experienced by females on Ussa.
On Pühm it is not necessary for the male and female to cohabit after conception or for the raising of the child. However, males failing to participate in the life of their offspring are severely fined—in addition to their childfund. The fines support surrogate social structures such as schools, and other institutions substituting for or replacing the sire’s parenting role.
Before moving on to Hwoq and Sn-y…DATACOMPROMIZED**… describe the judicial expressions of these gender policies on Ussa and Pühm.
On Ussa, females with children exist within an environment of societal, economic, political and community isolation as described above. Additionally, judicial control mechanisms have criminalized every alternative a female might seek to alter her life subsequent to impregnation. For example, abortion, abandonment, infanticide, etc., are all adjudged harshly with penalties ranging from imprisonment to life forfeiture. Even alpha females attempting to circumvent the judicial system must pay steep fines in the form of pre-payments, as for a “secret abortion.” No adjustment credits such as “insurance” support pregnancy terminations. And gamma females, who have little or no exchange value, rely upon self-mutilation.
On Pühm, however, this policy is reversed. The process of withholding food, shelter, medical care, economic well-being, and education leading to self-sufficient mothers is deemed a capital crime. Sires who …DATACOMPROMIZED**… do not provide these resources to the cohabiting or estranged mothers of their children suffer the consequences—as severe as those practiced on Ussa. As a result, no female on Pühm will go to prison for infanticide in an attempt to seek relief from the pejorative social or economic burden placed on her as would occur on Ussa. Instead, the judicial system on Pühm places the responsibility clearly on the sire.
On Pühm, if a female hurts a child, the male who sired the child is held fully responsible for not providing the support necessary to prevent such action. This policy reverses the Ussa system where females are usually, although not always, held responsible for child-harm when a male is either present or absent. Ussan social condemnation holds the female responsible for any damage to children regardless of male predatory practices.
It is important to note that on Pühm there are no prohibitions levied against females who pursue male attentions, as there are no prohibitions on Ussa against males pursuing females. The Pühmian males who respond to females bear all the consequences of the encounter, as do females on Ussa. Pühmian males who practice domination through physical and/or sexual coercion face the loss of their reproductive organs, and males who engage in procreation activities with pre-pubescent females are vaporized.
On Hwoq, the colonies have quite different reproductive systems. [Hwoq reproductive systems are variants of RU-Humanoids. See Xr 9934Fifuk’s discussion, Chapter 9.]
The males are the dominant species in all social organizations, legal, political, economic, etc., as on Ussa. The central preoccupation of males is to develop the species. The highest order of maleness is wisdom. The highest order of femaleness is compassion. As a side note, these aspirations, type-2 primitivisms, can be traced back to the primordial Earth deities of the small, short-lived “Western” alpha clan. Note the gender reversal, where Soffia was once the goddess of wisdom and Jǽe-Zeus once the god of compassion. Hwoqis believe that one attribute does not exist without the other; therefore, wisdom and compassion are sought by both genders. Credits and exchange values are produced through intricate rituals that demonstrate both attributes as well as problem-solving and expressions of individual potential.
While females decide if, or when, they will reproduce, male Hwoqi’s have developed male-based CC’s to protect female organs and eggs from …DATACOMPROMIZED**… Social customs emphasize diet, stress reduction, physical and intellectual, spiritual and extra-sensory behaviors to ensure the highest quality eggs and sperm. All social, political, legal institutions focus on pre and post-natal excellence. Exchange credits are greatest for those who teach children. Hwoq has an elder-support fund similar to that on Ussa, however those males and/or females who take sabbaticals for childrearing receive labor/credit exchanges equal to the highest exchange rate for any previous occupation.
The alpha colony has developed the single most successful population control procedure in its entire solar system: full education and female access to all aspects of Hwoqi life. Fully educated and developed females self-regulate the number of their offspring. As a result, unwanted pregnancies do not occur, and abandoned children do not exist. Long-term costs savings have resulted in smaller populations as each colony, even the omega colonies, seek and employ low population growth—1:2 reproduction ratios.
The Hwoq alpha colony social structure is designed to perpetuate and enhance achievement to the highest level of excellence capable within the lifespan of the individual, therefore food, shelter, etc., are the responsibility of the males. As a result, Planet Hwoq’s alpha colony ranks highest among the four planets studied in cognitive, sensory, emotive and social evolution. On average, every member of the alpha colony is literate in all C-5 quad lingual modes including endophasia, conversant in the four physics, especially trans-simultaneity, and employs all extra-sensory faculties.
Please note that alpha colony empathy toward other species and humanoid cultures has resulted in the longest documented peace in the C-5 quad, exceeding one millitrad, and the active renewability of all naturally occurring resources. It is no surprise then that Planet Hwoq has exceeded all estimates on colonization and resource adaptation.
The Sn-Yd colony is relatively new, only 600 OES years. Although the planet population is growing, the colony continues to reside on only one continent. The humanoid species exists in an atmosphere similar to that found on Planet Gris-Wel, there are ample resources and few predators. Basic survival consumes the col…DATACOMPROMIZED**…
Gender status and rank issues compete within a milieu of mutual support. Children are deemed renewable and necessary resources for the continuation of the species. Both males and females take responsibility for procreation and childrearing. Family structure is fasciated, composed of kin and inclusive of all parallels. Few Sn-Yds live in isolation. “Family” compounds encourage both communal and individual habitation. Both males and females are responsible for protecting the compound and the safety of all offspring.
Cohabitation occurs at will. Multiple families, cross-generational environments and laws exist for child-based fostering. Sn-Yds often voluntarily crossbreed and reorganize “families” to ensure propagation of survival skills and genetic diversity.
Unlike Ussa and Pühm where offspring subject to estrangement are moved frequently from dwelling to dwelling to experience one or the other parent, on Sn-Yd, children, by law and social custom, possess the family compounds. These compounds, or offspring settlements, are satellite communities of parents, grandparents, clan members, all residing together collectively.[Only Sn-Yd’s gamma colonies retain remnants of single-family social organization. See Xr 2084Rydj’s discussion in Chapter 6 for the variant offspring settlements.]
If estrangement between parents occurs, the parents move in and out of the compound, thereby allowing the children to remain in a stable place surrounded by their peers, and decreasing the need to use various transporters and shuttles which might expose children to toxics, astroidal explosions, accidents and parasitic infestations. Additio…DATACOMPROMIZED**…
On Sn-Yd, all colonies, including gammas, have robust, multifaceted social textures. Physical constructs are designed for families–with communal work and play (an important value on Sn-Yd), extra-telecular communications and extensive family participation in sustenance decisions. Education is individually tailored to temperament and talents. The Sn-Yd alpha colony assures physical health and education for all and thereby has virtually eliminated the need for family-substitute institutions.
Nurslings achieve mental and physical potential early in development. As a result, the larval state is relatively short, as Sn-Yd children emerge from dependent parasites to adulthood and access all social labors, rewards and responsibilities when physically and mentally able, not when prescribed by law. Since they learn how to manage the planet’s resources and participate in governance from an early age, Sn-Yd’s mature more quickly than children of the other planets in our study. Sn-Yd children are remarkabl…DATACOMPROMIZED… …DATACOMPROMIZED…
…DATACOMPROMIZED**… study of Ussa, Pühm, Hwoq and Sn-Yd led us to conclude that the gender-based species reproduction policies affect both the rate of growth and the quality of the species. Ussa policies ensure the most rapid growth of all the colonies compared in this study but result in a substandard species. Pühm policies also accelerate growth and have led to only minimally improved species. Hwoq policies result in the slowest growth but the highest-ranking species. Sn-yd policies offer moderate growth and species rankings far exceeding those of either Ussa or Pühm.
My colleagues and I have enough confidence in the data to recommend…DATACOMPROMIZED**…
…DATACOMPROMIZED… sent to Planet K-Atlyn. More than a dozen decacenturs ago, four colonies were established on the tiny planet, each by colonists drawn from the planets in our C-5 quad study. It is entirely possible that the humanoids on K-Atlyn have combined all four models and evolved unique reproduction policies that foster both fast growth and species excellence. We sugge…DATACOMPROMIZED…